
Monday, October 09, 2006


Well, i have been tagged by sugata to post a silly pic of mine. After procrastinating for a long time, today i thought I would rather be done with the impending task. Well, so began the search of a silly pic. Honestly, I am not an avid collector of photographs and so I had to do a lot of searching (yeah, no googling :D) to find a relevant pic.

After a lot of pondering, I chose the pics that form the part of the post. And the pics can be termed silly only in the situational context when they were clicked. So do read on....

I took this pic (the one below) when I was fed up of the long bus travel, waiting eagerly for my destination, with stomach growling with hunger and body aching. I call it silly because this was the least expected thing I could have done at that particular moment of time :D

This one is self-explanatory. After the party, which happened to be my freshers party here at DMS, IIT Delhi, when the pics were floated on the groups and this one was seen, everybody went into splits laughing for reasons pretty evident :p

Thats all I can think of at the moment. Would update more in due course :p And since this is the first time I have been tagged on blogger, let me pass on this funny (silly) tag to lalit and preeti :)