
Monday, September 25, 2006

Mediocre But Arrogant...

I happened to read this book by Abhijeet Bhaduri, which gives a view of the BSchool life as seen by one of its students. And, i must say the book came out as a ready solution to some of the problems I had been facing.

For past few days, friends around me had been constantly complaining about the negative/dull attitude I was carrying. On deeper introspection, I realized that there had been a number of questions unanswered in my mind, and which were creating a loop of thoughts, eventually resulting in sulking and fretting. I had always been of the opinion that man inherently would like to crib and complain about his current state of affairs. I was analyzing, or may be over-analyzing my acts and actions at a microscopic level, and when the future won't appear very bright, I would fret 'n fume. In my mind, I had created a specific set of events that would determine my future, and was constantly evaluating those events. To be precise, I was over expecting from myself, and trying to be something that I am not. And, I got my lesson, well explained and illustrated by no one other than my dad. Yeah, he could understand the root cause of the feelings I was having, and I was apalled by the extent of correctness his analysis demonstrated. Thanks to him, I am back to life now, realizing that it is too small to bother, and too precious to waste. Not going to details, I would just say that it looks so good from where I see right now, so full of action, purpose and fun :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

C'est interessant...

Ok, I am back

Ok, I am back. Silent, and out dated, as my blog looks these days, I planned to give it a change, and so here I am, this is me, ….. :)

Well, the past few days have passed by in such a speed, that I could not stop by even once and record some of the happenings. But, as they say, better late than never. Well, going into the details of my academic/personal life here at dms might take too much of efforts out of the lazy piece that I have become these days. So, I am pointing out the interesting things that happened or I observed. To start with, a few days back, we had an assignment to submit and as it always is, it was a group assignment, this time strangely of nine people. After having made our individual parts, we were sitting in the lounge to collate all individual parts and prepare the final ppt. As I had expected, people were getting irked by the opinion that one person would do the final draft by taking bits of all others. As it usually is, no body is ready to spare their precious (Ah, I hope I knew how?) time for doing things that do not fall into their zone of work deliverables. Suddenly, while arguing someone said “why should one person do the editing? We should all edit our bits and then bring them and attach it to the ppt”, to which a friend of mine replied “why? Won’t it be better if one person does it, say me” and the other person was shocked for a moment, and I could see that such an argument was not expected to be made. I laughed for quite some time, thinking of the general thinking pattern that we have these days, negative and unexpecting.

I had my minor 1, and so time for me to open up books, which were full of dust, lying all by themselves in the corner of the room. Minors came and went by, culminating in the eventual desire of going out of IIT, yeah, on the final day of minors, I really wanted to go out and let my hair loose. We eventually decided to go and see KANK, even after a series of warnings. As it had to be, no show was being aired at that time, and so we ended up watching Adam Sandler starrer “Click”. It was a nice movie, only with too much of lesson thing going out. These days, I have started disliking movies which give messages, more so the ones which try to teach life style and patterns. Every one to himself, no one can predecide the way they want to live their life, neither can they make conscious efforts to avoid being what they are. In the end, it doesn’t even matter, yeah I adore the Linkin Park song, not only for the music, but also for the wordings. No matter how much worries and tensions you inflict upon yourself, in the end it all seems baseless and inconsequential. And so do I discourage myself from worrying about every other thing that passes by, works like this for me. :)

And yeah, I am learning french, and the teacher is a mademoiselle, not madame ;) a good enough reason to keep track of french... So, au revoir! Bonne nui