
Friday, September 09, 2005

The daily dilemmas

The day starts with dillemas and it ends with more dilemmas. You start your day with a resolution that you won't confuse your mind with silly issues, but the famous fact that "world behaves in a strange manner" holds true when what you do is contemplate on the difference between you and your surroundings and thus trouble your mind.

I observe that human beings always follow tracks laid by others peacefully, without any hesitation. They would be the first to reach the safe spot by following patterns, and on reaching there, they would start what they are best at. Yes, compare and blame. They would compare themselves with their peers and if they find someone better off, they would try n interrogate theirselves to find that one thing which they possess over that person. They say that friendship eases all such jealousy and hatred, but i believe that it doesn't. The human mind is born competitive and the education that he gains inculcates values which reaffirm his way of thinking.

Well, for all you know, and it might shock some, the highest level of satisfaction that people can get is when they can prove that they are better than others. I would agree that there are a few exceptions and in my belief, these exceptions are the ones who have the vision, the discreet ability to understand the true purpose of life over materialistic & temporary comforts.

How much better can life be if all were assigned fixed tasks which they had to do in insolation and without having any direct impact from others' activities. There would then be no scope for such dilemmas, no time to ponder over such issues. :)

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Why does it happen that when you are under immense tension and pain, a mere thought of someone you love or admire brings a smile on your face, a simple thought of the moments spent with that someone special comforts your body, ur soul.

I was wondering that when things don't go the way you prefer them to be, you always fret, crib and complain. Something like that happened with me today, but when i thought of that someone special in my life, all the confusion and anger went away. What remained with me were sweet memories and a heart-full of respect and love for that someone special.

I was talking with my friend today about not thinking too much, but hell..i ended up doing the same...well, we get hurt just because we think a little too much on issues which do not deserve our attention. But, then its all so saintly at the other side. Being at the same side and going through is another thing altogether.

Still, i believe that the solution to all the worries is spending time with and on your loved ones. They are the ones who realize your true worth. They are the ones who should matter most, over all things. They are the ones you should remember first, not only in times of suffering, but during all the phases of your life. :)