Controlling my mind...
Few days back, I bought a new cell phone, which has FM radio inbuilt. People who know me around here also know how much i think when i dont have anything else to do, or even worse, start judging and analysing people/activities. Well, of late, i have started avoiding doing that, because of the repercussions that has had in my life. Although its very tough for me not to think when i am not doing something, but this new FM thing is working marvellously in my favour. Whenever i am travelling, or sitting idle, i switch on the FM, and start listening to the banter of the RJ's or the songs being played. It sure keeps my attention tied up, and leaves no room for my thought process to start working. I know you might find it weird that why do i want to run away from my mind, but the fact remains that over the years, i have come to believe in the saying that "empty mind is devil's workshop". Whenever i have some work, or i am involved in something, i am thinking creatively/positively. Whilst, the moment i start letting my idle mind take control, it takes me to the destructive way mostly, ofcourse with a few exceptions. The mind, when it has an aim and purpose, is your best friend. It helps one to come up with solutions to the problems one is facing, and does all the work required to reach a decision. At times, it also has to work round the clock to furnish a work commitment. But, when it does not have a clear vision and goal, it might stray into unforeseen lands, and might eventually hurt you with thoughts which you otherwise wouldn't have bothered to think upon. Having said that, I don't mean that I don't indulge in creative thinking, but even that has a purpose, and brings a satisfaction in the end. What I avoid is aimless/negative thinking. I believe this happens in different proportions to everyone, only that it happens much to me, and that is the reason, i have started avoiding it taking control at those moments, and its working for me. I am a happy guy, a more self-controlled person. :-)
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeers pal!
thats the way to go!!!!!!!!! Indeed you dont have to let go off the process but evading it when its not so impt to indulge is the way to a successful life.. and yeh like lalit says YOU ARE almost THERE.. almost near the epitomy .. just a little more patience and hard work and you would make each one of us proud.God Bless You.
knowing when to indulge and when to restrain is one of the many keys to a purposeful and successful life which you rightfully deserve.
All the very best of wishes!!
Brinder, at 6:26 AM
nice posts dudes!!!
just came trw ur blog when iwas scanning orkut!!!
Sandeep Sundaram, at 8:51 AM
@preeti - Thanks a lot pri. Its support from friends like you that keeps me going. GOD bless you :)
@sandy - Thanks. keep visiting! :)
Rohit Mahajan, at 9:02 AM
So FM brought something more than entertainment. And I guess it's the realization phase for me too...yeah the catalyst has done his job...and i am sure to descend in the river downstream. Very soon, we are going to find the pages colored in his color. All the best to him.
Shrinky, at 3:34 AM
You have always been the most sensible guy i knew :) nice ur gettin better ;) phir bhi :D a tinge of madness makes life interestin doesnt it ?
Taggy :), at 7:25 AM
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